Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius

This morning (at 2:26 am PST), we had a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius.

If you have planets in Aquarius or Leo, this Eclipse will activate you. Aquarius is associated with humanity, brotherhood, friendship, rebellion, freedom, unconventionality, and vision.

Leo is the sign of generosity, leadership, creativity, drama, play, enthusiasm, love, and loyalty.

Today the Full Moon brings with it a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses are shadow cycles that help provide information about what is happening right now in the shadow. The definition of an Eclipse is “dim or hide and conceal,” or to render invisible by the elimination of light. So during an eclipse cycle, many things can be brought to light or may be revealed. But, also, be aware that some things can remain hidden in the shadows. Our responsibility is to bring to awareness what shadow issues exist in our lives and work to create more balance.

Eclipses are spin cycles. They can be intensely disruptive, destabilizing, and chaotic. Now is the time to become more aware of any more profound psychological toxicity that may be keeping you from balance. Detoxification is imperative during this time and purging any unwanted behavior or releasing any toxic relationships from your life. 

These cycles come to awaken us, but we must also be awake and aware of them as they happen. We must bring perceptions to what they mean at any time by understanding the energy of the signs by our awareness and intuition. If you are experiencing increased instability, consult an Astrologer, and find out where you may need to become more aware.  Bringing light and attention to shadow issues will help you to find your stability and balance.

Hans Margolius says it quite well;

“Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.

Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.”


The Wisdom Of Obstacles


Mercury Retrograde In Gemini